I'm using EWS to recieve mails and import them to our CRM-System. In 99% of the mails everything works fine. But no I have the problem, that some fileattachments dont tell me the filename.
here's an example of my code.
Item item = Item.Bind("id"); //id should be replaced by a leagle id
PropertySet ps = PropertyHelper.GetFullLoadItemPropertySet(m_Item.GetType());
//the propertyset is a manually created set with all relevant properties.
foreach (Attachment att in item.Attachments)
{ {
FileAttachment fa = att as FileAttachment;
if (fa != null)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fa.FileName))
If I look at the same mail using a little vba-code the attachment has a filename, which is displayed in outlook.
Dim mail As MailItem
Set mail = Application.ActiveExplorer().Selection.Item(1)
debug.Print mail.Attachments.Item(0).FileName
Does anyone have an idea why outlook gets the correct filename, but EWS is telling me that the attachment has no filename?
Not all of the Attachment
items you get from EWS are actual FileAttachment
Add a check for the attachment type.
foreach (Attachment att in item.Attachments)
if (att is FileAttachment fa)
// Do something with 'fa'