I've already read the tutorial at ELKI documentation ( http://elki.dbs.ifi.lmu.de/wiki/Tutorial/DistanceFunctions ).
Unfortunately, I'm not grasping how to plug the generated .class with MiniGUI (or bash script for the provided .jar). How it can be done?
Ps: I know it sounds absolutely noob, but when I try to "type" the class name, as suggested, I get the error "The following parameters could not be processed: HammingDistance", for example.
ELKI will load classes via the standard Java Classloader. Therefore, they must be on the class path or they cannot be loaded. An example call (assuming your classes are in the bin
folder) is
java -cp elki.jar:bin/ de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application.ELKILauncher
Parameters are interpreted as follows:
, Manhattan has an alias l1
constructor or a inner public static class Parameterizer
.Input assistance is built as follows:
files on the classpath are checked for service files in META-INF/elki/<interface>
files are inspected. This is much slower, but removes the need to edit the service files. Discovered classes show up below the ones listed in the service file.Furthermore, the package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application.internal
includes classes that will inspect everything on your classpath, and will report e.g. classes that do not have a parameterless public
constructor, or a inner public static class Parameterizer