I have one long unixtime, value Array which is used to initiate a flot chart, and some buttons to change the scale, what I can't seem to be able to do is get Y-axis to scale with the change in X-scale.
Here is an example chart: http://jsfiddle.net/U53vz/
var datarows = //Data Array Here
var options = { series: { lines: { show: true }, points: { show: true } },
grid: { hoverable: true,clickable: false, },
xaxis: { mode: "time", min: ((new Date().getTime()) - 30*24*60*60*1000), max: new Date().getTime(), }
function castPlot() {
window.PLOT = $.plot("#placeholder", [{ data: dataRows }], options
In the official example scaling is automatic and unspecified on the Y-axis: http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/examples/axes-time/index.html
The only alternative I can think of is looping through the dataset and calculating new Y min/max on each button press. Unless I am breaking some very obvious default function.
When calculating y-scale, flot does not look at only the "viewable" data but the whole dataset. Since the data points are still present, the y min/max respects them. So your options are:
If you plot get any more complicated than it is now (especially if you start setting up click/hover events on it), I would also recommend you switch to redrawing instead of reiniting your plot.
var opts = somePlot.getOptions();
opts.xaxes[0].min = newXMin;
opts.xaxes[0].max = newXMax;
opts.yaxes[0].min = newYMin;
opts.yaxes[0].max = newYMax;
Here's one possible solution.