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How to find in my program a "const char* + int" expression

I'm in a source code migration and the converter program did not convert concatenation of embedded strings with integers. Now I have lots of code with this kind of expressions:

f("some text" + i);

Since C/C++ will interpret this as an array subscript, f will receive "some text", or "ome text", or "me text"...

My source language converts the concatenation of an string with an int as an string concatenation. Now I need to go line by line through the source code and change, by hand, the previous expression to:

f("some text" + std::to_string(i));

The conversion program managed to convert local "String" variables to "std::string", resulting in expressions:

std::string some_str = ...;
int i = ...;

f(some_str + i);

Those were easy to fix because with such expressions the C++ compiler outputs an error.

Is there any tool to find automatically such expressions on source code?


  • I've found a very simple way to detect this issue. Regular expression nor a lint won't match more complex expressions like the following:

    f("Hello " + g(i));

    What I need is to somehow do type inference, so I'm letting the compiler to do it. Using an std::string instead of a literal string raises an error, so I wrote a simple source code converter to translate all the string literals to the wrapped std::string version, like this:

    f(std::string("Hello ") + g(i));

    Then, after recompiling the project, I'd see all the errors. The source code is on GitHub, in 48 lines of Python code: