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Global scope variable is null within Scriptblock

Running the following code produces an error because the variable used for path is resolved as null event though it defined in the script:

$ServerName = "test01"
$RemotePath = "C:\Test\"
$TestScriptBlock = { copy-item -Path $RemotePath  -Destination C:\backup\ -Force -Recurse } 
$CurrentSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ServerName

Invoke-Command -Session $CurrentSession -ScriptBlock $TestScriptBlock 

How do I call the $RemotePath defined in the parent script from within the ScriptBlock? I need to use $RemotePath in other parts of the parent script. Note, this value doesn't change, so it can be a constant.


You have to pass in variable as parameter to the scriptblock:

$ServerName = "test01"
$RemotePath = "C:\Test\"
$TestScriptBlock = { param($RemotePath) copy-item -Path $RemotePath  -Destination C:\backup\ -Force -Recurse } 
$CurrentSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ServerName

Invoke-Command -Session $CurrentSession -ScriptBlock $TestScriptBlock -ArgumentList $RemotePath 


  • You've got two scripts there, not one. The $TestScriptBlock is a separate script nested inside the main one, you send it to the remote computer, and that remote computer doesn't have $RemotePath configured. Try:

    $ServerName = "test01"
    $TestScriptBlock = {
        $RemotePath = "C:\Test\"
        copy-item -Path $RemotePath  -Destination C:\backup\ -Force -Recurse 
    $CurrentSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ServerName
    Invoke-Command -Session $CurrentSession -ScriptBlock $TestScriptBlock

    (I would probably call it $LocalPath then, though)