I have a gulp task that does a pretty simple task, it searches for all files in a folder, filter html files, validate them and then restore file stream and push every file type in the destination folder. This gulpfile:
// define gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');
// define plug-ins
var filter = require('gulp-filter');
var w3cjs = require('gulp-w3cjs');
var newer = require('gulp-newer');
// define paths
var src_path = 'src';
var dest_path = 'public';
// Copy all files from /src, validate html files, and and push everything inside /public
gulp.task('files', function() {
return gulp.src(src_path + '/*') //search for all files
.pipe(newer(dest_path)) // if new go on, if old skip
.pipe(filter('*.html')) // filter html files
.pipe(w3cjs()) // validate filtered files
.pipe(filter('*.html').restore()) // restore files in pre-filter state
.pipe(gulp.dest(dest_path)) // push in destination folder
It seems that the "restore" is not restoring files, infact only html files are being pushed in production (/public) folder, what could be wrong? Thanks for any help.
maybe assign a variable to var filter = filter('*.html')
and use it to restore .pipe(filter.restore())