I want to know the default host name through the name of the email address....
I found a method in a class "MCONetService.h"....
the reference link.. http://libmailcore.com/mailcore2/api/Classes/MCONetService.html
...but my problem is that i am unable to find the proper way to use this method because it is an instance method which requires the "MCONetService" class object to call that method,and i am getting null because it seems this object need some value before the use...
my code ...
MCONetService *netService=[[MCONetService alloc]init];
[netService hostnameWithEmail:@"email@gmail.com"];
This is not a good way of coding but did't found any other way to try this method...
Any help will be appreciable....
Here's how to do it:
First, make sure that you include providers.json in the resources of your app. Here's how to get the IMAP server related to a given email address.
NSString * email = @"email@gmail.com";
MCOMailProvider * provider = [[MCOMailProvidersManager sharedManager]
NSString * hostname = nil;
if ([[provider imapServices] count] > 0) {
MCONetService * service = [[provider imapServices] objectAtIndex:0];
hostname = [service hostnameWithEmail:email];
if (hostname == nil) {
NSLog(@"no IMAP server found");
else {
NSLog(@"IMAP server: %@", hostname);