Question about the case statement in Erlang.
I am using n2o as my web application framework.
In my sign in page i created an event to extract fields from the page when a user clicks the sign up button,
event(sign_up) - >
Gender = {Male,Female} = {wf:q(gm),wf:q(gf)},
Result = case Gender of
Gender when Male == true -> <<"M">>;
Gender when Female == true -> <<"F">>;
Gender when Male == false, Female == false -> <<"Not Selected">>
When I test the page, the logging code never gets hit. It only shows when i remove the case statement. Oddly, when executing the case statement in the shell, it evaluates correctly.
Am i missing something with my case statement?
After tracing, i did not realize that these functions within the tuple were returning string literals rather than atom populated patterns i was using for matching in the case statement.
With that in mind the working solution:
event(sign_up) - >
Gender = {list_to_atom(wf:q(gm)),list_to_atom(wf:q(gf))},
Result = case Gender of
{true,false} -> <<"M">>;
{false,true} -> <<"F">>;
Gender -> <<"Not Selected">>;
So the lesson learned is make sure the data types you match are the same.
It took a while :) but valuable lesson learned.