I'm using ember-simple-auth along with ember-validations to validate my user login credentials
in order to validate I "override" the login route's login action in controller.
The problem is that after validation I now wanna bubble up the action; however, since validate returns a promise I can't just simply return true.
I tried calling my route with this.get('target').send('login')
but apparently it doesn't work.
I tried this.send('login')
but this creates an infinite loop as the controller calls itself recursively.
Just use a different action name in the controller and call login there
actions: {
validate: function() {
var that = this;
return this.validate().then(function() {
}, function() {
// report errors in an array
var errors = that.get('errors');
var fullErrors = [];
Object.keys(errors).forEach(function(val) {
if(errors[val] instanceof Array)
errors[val].forEach(function(msg) {
fullErrors.push([val, msg].join(" "));
loginFailed: function(xhr) {
this.set('errorMessage', xhr.responseText);