I wanted all my DWR 3.0 request to intercept through Spring 2.5 HandlerAdapter Interceptor. Here is app-servlet.xml setup.
<dwr:controller id="dwrController" debug="true" />
<dwr:url-mapping interceptors="myInterceptors" />
<dwr:configuration />
<util:list id="myInterceptors" >
<!-- Interceptors -->
<bean id="roleInterceptor" class="mypackage.RoleInterceptor">
<property name="userRoleDAO" ref="userRoleDAO" />
<property name="pageNavigationRepository" ref="pageNavigationRepository" />
<property name="portalAuditRepository" ref="portalAuditRepository" />
Below is my web.xml setting for DWR controller.
This setup does not work and DWR requests do not invoke the roleInterceptor. I use the same interceptor for non-dwr spring requests and it invokes the interceptor. Have I missed anything here ?
Finally after some research, I got this working. The dwr controller mapping and dwr url maapping would only work if I use Spring DispatcherServlet instead of DwrSpringServlet to process all my /dwr/* requests. I updated the web.xml and was able to intercept all dwr AJAX requests through Spring MVC interceptor bean.