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Multiple DataSource and JdbcTemplate in Spring Boot (> 1.1.0)

I would like to inject a specific JdbcTemplatein a Spring Boot project. I tried to follow this example for multiple DataSourceconfiguration :

My code does compile and run, but only the DataSource with the @Primaryannotation is taken into account, no matter what I put as @Qualifier in the SqlServiceclass. My relevant code is the following :

public class DatabaseConfig {

    @Bean(name = "dsSlave")
    public DataSource slaveDataSource() {
        return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

    @Bean(name = "dsMaster")
    public DataSource masterDataSource() {
        return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

    @Bean(name = "jdbcSlave")
    public JdbcTemplate slaveJdbcTemplate(DataSource dsSlave) {
        return new JdbcTemplate(dsSlave);

    @Bean(name = "jdbcMaster")
    public JdbcTemplate masterJdbcTemplate(DataSource dsMaster) {
        return new JdbcTemplate(dsMaster);


And I did a quick service to try it out :

public class SqlService {

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public String getHelloMessage() {
        String host = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select @@hostname;", String.class);
        return "Hello";



  • Try to move @Qualifier annotation to the parameter on your @Bean methods for JdbcTemplate.

    I guess, when you remove @Primary you end up with error, where more than one appropriate beans are presented