I am using the eclipse-scout framework.
How can I override a Text entry in my application to replace an entry provided by the framework?
I can provide you an example coming from Bug 431234.
Open the NLS Editor for your Scout Application:
Scout Projects > {your app} > {app}.shared > Text Provider Services > {App}TextProviderService
.Open NLS Editor...
link.Add a new language with the appropriate tool button:
Choose the language in the dialog (Dutch in our example) and confirm with Ok:
You can uncheck the Hide inherited rows
checkbox and set the key filter to NumberToo
Add a new entry with the New Entry
tool button.
In the Dialog prepare your new text entry:
The warning only tells you that you are overriding a text defined in Scout RT. You click on the save button to close dialog. (More information in Bug 439590).
The NLS Editor should display your version of the text.
When you start your application with the appropriate language, you should see the difference: