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How to do mouse over x-Axis[Cateogories] in High charts when you mouse over the x-Axis [Category]

How to do mouse over x-Axis[Category] in High charts when you mouse over the x-Axis [Category] .

plotOptions: {
  areaspline: {
        fillOpacity: 0.5

    series: {

        point: {
            events: {
                mouseOver: function() {
                    //alert ('Category: '+ this.category +', value: '+ this.y);
                    var res = this.category;

                    var chart = Highcharts.charts[0];

                    //var first_set = this.getSpecificData(res);
                    data = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < chart.series.length; i++) {

                        for (var j = 0; j < chart.series[i].points.length; j++){
                                if(j == res)


                    maximum_value = (Math.max.apply(Math, data));
                    for (var k = 0; k < data.length; k++) {
                        if( data[k] == maximum_value )
                            first_set = k;


                    var point = chart.series[first_set].data[res];
                    var x = point.plotX + chart.plotLeft;
                    var y = point.plotY + chart.plotTop;
                    var height =(chart.plotHeight-point.plotY); //want height of the point!
                    chart.renderer.rect(x, y, 3, height, 0).attr({fill: 'orange', zIndex:3,id:'mychart'}).add();

                mouseOut: function(e){

This is my jsfiddle: [click here][1]

I want to the mouse over and mouse out for when i mouse over the X-Axis category ie ,week0, Week1,Week2.. Week7 . Now Mouserover is added only for plot points over plotlines and charts Thanks In Advance [1]:


  • for having mouseover and mouseleave events on the xAxis categories you can do as below

    step 1:

    set useHTML : true from xAxis Labels and return a div with a class in the xAxis labels formatter

    xAxis: {
        labels: {
            useHTML: true,
            formatter: function () {
                return "<div class='xLabels'> Week " + this.value + "</div>"; // clean, unformatted number for year

    step 2:

    now that you have got your divs placed in the chart write a jquery event to handle mouseover and mouseleave

    $(".xLabels").mouseover(function() {
        alert("mouse Entered")
    $(".xLabels").mouseleave(function() {
        alert("mouse Left")

    updated your fiddle here

    Hope this will help you