I just got weceem-plugin (1.2) installed with Grails 2.3.7. Everything runs fine except javascript does not get rendered - it just shows up as raw text. I have confirmed all the static resources(css,images,js) are loaded. Thanks in advance.
The problem can be solved without rebuilding existed plugin. You can try to update your Config.groovy in your application. Please, check the demo application for Weceem on GitHub, here you can find Config.groovy https://github.com/jCatalog/weceem-app/blob/master/grails-app/conf/Config.groovy . The application is on grails-2.3.7. Especially check setting:
grails.resources.adhoc.excludes = ['/plugins/weceem-1.2']
also such your settings as
grails.views.default.codec= "none"
grails.views.gsp.codecs.scriptlet = "none"