I wanted to use
for (TBL_CardView *cardView in cardsInHand)
// <#statements#>
TBL_CardView is my custom class, and cardsInHand
is just (TBL_CardViewArray*)
So I need to implement countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:
for my TBL_CardViewArray
Is this correct ?
This is my TBL_CardViewArray.h
* Keep TBL_CardView in array
@interface TBL_CardViewArray : NSObject
- (TBL_CardView *)drawCard;
- (void)addCard:(TBL_CardView *)card;
- (NSUInteger)cardsRemaining;
- (NSArray*) cardViewArray;
- (TBL_CardView *)drawRandomCard;
Some important part from TBL_CardViewArray.m
@implementation TBL_CardViewArray
NSMutableArray *_cards;
So I am just using TBL_CardViewArray
as s wrapper around NSMutableArray for storing my TBL_CardView
How to implement countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: for my TBL_CardViewArray
I did google it, but not found some example that I could reuse easy.
My assumption is that because I am already using NSMutableArray for storing that it is not so complicated, but I can not figure it how ?
Quite simply, forward it to the underlaying NSMutableArray
- (NSUInteger)countByEnumeratingWithState:(NSFastEnumerationState *)state objects:(id __unsafe_unretained [])stackbuf count:(NSUInteger)len {
return [_cards countByEnumeratingWithState:state objects:stackbuf count:len];
You have to avoid mutating the array while it's being enumerated.