I try to navigate with keyboard arrows Left/Right through my lightbox, but my script doesn't work.
It will be great if the script recognizes 'onkeypress' as 'onclick', because I have to use 'onclick' for Google Analytics Stats.
Any idea ? Thanks.
Script :
jQuery(function( $ ) {
var keymap = {};
keymap[ 37 ] = ".prev";
keymap[ 39 ] = ".next";
$( document ).on( "keyup", function(event) {
var href,
selector = keymap[ event.which ];
if ( selector ) {
href = $( selector ).attr( "href" );
if ( href ) {
window.location = href;
<a href="#example-01" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', location.pathname + location.search + '#example-01']);"><img src="images/thumbs/example-01.jpg" /></a>
<div class="lb-overlay" id="example-01">
<img src="images/full/example-01.jpg" />
<a href="#example-00" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', location.pathname + location.search + '#example-00']);" class="prev">PREV</a>
<a href="#example-02" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', location.pathname + location.search + '#example-02']);" class="next">NEXT</a>
This code works for my problem :
var current = 0;
$(document).on('keyup', function (e) {
switch (e.which) {
case 37:
case 39: