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WriteRegBinary is not working

I'm trying to write a hexadecimal value with WriteRegBin, and it doesn't write anything, though returns 'ok' result:

WriteRegBin HKCU "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects2" \
        "SettingsCheck" DEADBEEF01223211151

What's wrong? Thanks!


  • WriteRegBin HKCU "HKCU\..." is not a valid registry path. I don't know if you have this in your real code or if there is something else going on. Remember to use SetRegView if you are working with 32/64 bit specific parts of the registry on a 64 bit system...

    This works correctly for me:

    WriteRegBin HKCU "Software\Test" \
            "Dummy" DEADBEEF01223211151