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Move file to local ANT lib directory?

I'm trying to use JarBundler on MacOSX, and on the tutorial I'm using ( it says to move the jarbundler-2.3.1.jar file to my local ANT lib directory.

I've tried looking up how to do this, but all of the results are for moving files using ANT. I don't know how simple it is to do this, but I really cannot find how to do it anywhere on the internet.

Thanks in advance


  • Place the jarbundler-2.3.1.jar into the lib directory within your Ant installation directory. I installed Ant at the root of my C: drive, so my Ant lib directory is located at the following location C:\apache-ant-1.9.2\lib\. Place the Jar into that folder and your Ant builds will be able to see the task from that Jar anywhere on the system. The Ant lib directory is where the Ant executable looks for Jars containing Ant tasks. Your Ant installation may not be at the root of your C: drive, if you are on Windows it may be in your Program Files directory, or if you are on another OS it may be wherever the default location for installed applications is located. A simple system wide search for "apache-ant" is likely to locate your Ant installation directory (minus quotation marks).