I would like to continously check the table in the DB for the commands to run. Some commands might take 4minutes to complete, some 10 seconds.
Hence I would like to run them in threads. So every record creates new thread, and after thread is created, record gets removed.
Because the DB lookup + Thread creation will run in an endless loop, how do I get the 'response' from the Thread (thread will issue shell command and get response code which I would like to read) ?
I thought about creating two Threads with endless loop each: - first for DB lookups + creating new threads - second for ...somehow reading the threads results and acting upon each response
Or maybe I should use fork, or os spawn a new process?
You can have each thread push its results onto a Queue, then your main thread can read from the Queue. Reading from a Queue is a blocking operation by default, so if there are no results, your code will block and wait on the read.
Here is an example:
require 'thread'
jobs = Queue.new
results = Queue.new
thread_pool = []
pool_size = 5
(1..pool_size).each do |i|
thread_pool << Thread.new do
loop do
job = jobs.shift #blocks waiting for a task
break if job == "!NO-MORE-JOBS!"
#Otherwise, do job...
puts "#{i}...."
sleep rand(1..5) #Simulate the time it takes to do a job
results << "thread#{i} finished #{job}" #Push some result from the job onto the Queue
#Go back and get another task from the Queue
#All threads are now blocking waiting for a job...
puts 'db_stuff'
db_stuff = [
db_stuff.each do |job|
jobs << job
#Threads are now attacking the Queue like hungry dogs.
pool_size.times do
jobs << "!NO-MORE-JOBS!"
result_count = 0
loop do
result = results.shift
puts "result: #{result}"
result_count +=1
break if result_count == 7