So I'm trying to create an app with a WinJS.UI.Pivot control. The documentation is very simple, and the samples I've seen are "for dummies".
I know I can add my html under the PivotItem control and I've also seen a way of binding the control of a child element vie the data-win-control
to a ControlConstructor that defines a page in a javascript file, as seen here:
(function () {
"use strict";
var ControlConstructor = WinJS.UI.Pages.define("/pages/hub/section1Page.html", {
// This function is called after the page control contents
// have been loaded, controls have been activated, and
// the resulting elements have been parented to the DOM.
ready: function (element, options) {
options = options || {};
// The following lines expose this control constructor as a global.
// This lets you use the control as a declarative control inside the
// data-win-control attribute.
WinJS.Namespace.define("HubApps_SectionControls", {
Section1Control: ControlConstructor
Is there a way to do this dynamically (programmatically)?
Here's a sneak peak of some code from the upcoming new release of codeShow which will work on the phone.
//render pivot items for sections
var sectionsPivot = element.querySelector(".sections").winControl; (section) {
var pivotItem = new WinJS.UI.PivotItem(document.createElement("div"), { isHeaderStatic: true, header: section.title });
var pivotItemContent = pivotItem.element.querySelector(".win-pivot-item-content");
WinJS.UI.Pages.render(Ocho.Utilities.format("/demos/{0}/{1}/{1}.html",,, pivotItemContent)
.then(function (page) {
//remove the section header since the demo page has one already
var header = page.element.querySelector("");
if (header) = "none";
The WinJS.UI.PivotItem is being created in a new (in-memory) div element, some content is being added to the pivot item's content child, and then I'm pushing it into the pivot control's items collection. Hope that helps.