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Preference Screen and nav & status bar translucent

I'm using System Bar Tint to make my status and navigation bars translucent and with the color i want. The github:

It's working perfectly! I hace one tiny problem, when the phone turns into landscape or portrait mode. Because of the translucent status and nav, I have to get the layout and add a margin-top when im in portrait mode for example, simulating this way the space the status bar has.

But my problem comes in PreferenceScreen activity. I use:


to create my preferences screen. And i cannot get the way to change the layoutParams.

Does anyone have a solution for this??


enter image description here


  • A1. Use Theme.
    How to apply theme to PreferenceScreen elements of a PreferenceCategory


    ListView listView = getListView();

    and set layoutParams to listView.

    PreferenceActivity is a subclass of ListActivity.