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Eclipse Scout: form.doOk() does not call ModifyHandler#execStore()

I am trying to write integration tests for my Eclipse Scout application.

My tests method looks like this:

AForm form = new AForm();
//assertions on the form.

My problem is that the code in AForm.ModifyHandler#execStore() the ModifyHandler is not executed. To ensure this I have modified the implementation: I throw an IllegalStateException:

public class ModifyHandler extends AbstractFormHandler {

  protected void execLoad() throws ProcessingException {
    IAService service = SERVICES.getService(IAService.class);
    AFormData formData = new AFormData();
    formData = service.load(formData);
    setEnabledPermission(new UpdateAPermission());


  protected void execStore() throws ProcessingException {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Exception for Unit Test: execStore()");
    // IAService service = SERVICES.getService(IAService.class);
    // AFormData formData = new AFormData();
    // exportFormData(formData);
    // formData =;

Why is execStore() not called?


  • You have a Form Lifecycle Problem.

    Eclipse Scout executes execStore() only if at least a value has changed in the form.

    To be precise:

    • values set during AbstractFormHandler#execLoad() are considered as initial values
    • values set during AbstractFormHandler#execPostLoad() are considered as modified values.

    When the user interacts with the form, he is after PostLoad event.

    To mark the form as modified you can use IForm#touch().

    You can change your Unit Test to something like this:

    AForm form = new AForm();
    Assert.assertEquals("isSaveNeeded [1]", false, form.isSaveNeeded());
    form.touch(); // or form.getXyField().setValue(..);
    Assert.assertEquals("isSaveNeeded [2]", true, form.isSaveNeeded());
    //assertions on the form.

    The assertions "is save needed" are not necessary. They are only here to illustrate the case.

    If IForm#isSaveNeeded() returns true, your execStore() implementation will be executed.