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MATLAB : using mkdir for making tree-like folder

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I want to make some tree-like folders

I made my code but I don't how I can use string

Below is my code

for i=1:10;

mkdir('C:\Users\kanje\Desktop\', ['s0' num2str(i) '_e01']);
mkdir('[C:\Users\kanje\Desktop\'s0' num2str(i) '_e01\']', convolution);  % here is the problem
mkdir('[C:\Users\kanje\Desktop\'s0' num2str(i) '_e01\']', unconvolution);

for ii=1:9;

mkdir('[C:\Users\kanje\Desktop\'s0' num2str(i) '_e01\convolution']', 'a01_s0' num2str(ii) '_e01');
mkdir('[C:\Users\kanje\Desktop\'s0' num2str(i) '_e01\unconvolution']', 'a01_s0' num2str(ii) '_e01');



Maybe I cannot use well about string


a01_e01 to a10_e01 is the parent folder

Each a01_e01 ,..., a10_e01 have convolution & un-convolution folder as see

And the convolution & un-convolution folders have the a01_s01_e01 ,..., a01_s10_e01 folders

At last one parent folder should have a10_s01_e01 to a10_s10_e01 (it's not in this picture)


  • I think it would be better to use fullfile command to construct the path names and sprintf to format the strings:

    rootPath = fullfile( 'c:', 'Users', 'kanje', 'Desktop' );
    for ai=1:10
        baseName = fullfile( rootPath, sprintf( 'a%02d_e01', ai ) );
        mkdir( baseName );
        for sub = {'convolution', 'unconvolution' }
            mkdir( fullfile( baseName, sub{1} ) );
            for si=1:10
                subName = fullfile( baseName, sub{1}, sprintf( 'a%02d_s%02d_e01', ai, si ) );
                mkdir( subName );