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Is there a limit to jquery-steps content?

I am using jquery steps to show users a form, but I am running into a bit of a strange problem with the content property.

If I have both " " on one line of code, the steps work.

However, if I move the closing " to another line by adding another input field, the steps do not render.

    headerTag: "h3",
    bodyTag: "fieldset",
    transitionEffect: "slideLeft",
    onStepChanging: function(event, currentIndex, newIndex) {

    //only apply to first step

    if (currentIndex === 0 && ($("#workType > option:selected").val()) === "1") {

        $("#wizard").steps("insert", 1, {
            title: "Construction Details",
            content: "<input type='text' name='budget' id='budget' placeholder='What is your budget?'><br/>"

So This works:

content: "<input type='text' name='budget' id='budget' placeholder='What is your budget?'><br/>"

This does not:

 content: "<input type='text' name='budget' id='budget' placeholder='What is your budget?'>
           <input type='text' name='timeline' id='timeline' placeholder='When do you want to start?'>

Does the content need to all be placed on one line or am I doing something wrong? TIA


  • you could try concatenating string using + like:

    content: "<input type='text' name='budget' id='budget' placeholder='What is your budget?'>" + 
               "<input type='text' name='timeline' id='timeline' placeholder='When do you want to start?'> +

    or another way:

    var content_str = [
        '<input type='text' name='budget' id='budget' placeholder='What is your budget?'>',
        '<input type='text' name='timeline' id='timeline' placeholder='When do you want to start?'>',
        '<br />'
    contnet: content_str