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jasmine-maven-plugin load some other test utilities common script

I have multiple tests that need to share the same common utilities script. I wouldn't want to place this file in the source folder structure, since it's only relevant for testing.

So my source folder is:


and my test source:


In src/test/js I have a testUtil.js file that I need to load in other jasmine tests. Is it possible to access such files from within a jasmine test?

describe('Load Util Module', function() {
    it('check util is loaded', function() {
        //load testUtil.js


  • This is how I managed to do it:

    1. I added require.js to my specs folder

    2. In the jasmine-maven-plugin configuration I added the REQUIRE_JS spec runner template:

    3. The data file is located in:


      having the following content:

      define([], function() {
          return {
              "data" : [1, 2, 3]
    4. The tests to be injected this data object require a define directive:

      define(['../../../spec/testUtil'], function(testUtil) {
          var _testUtil = testUtil;
          describe('Testing data loaded', function () {
              it('loads test data', function () {            