I'd like to add a method to a module (think web-component) that detects whether a height has been set to its root element and if not - calculates its height based on other factors.
This module has some absolute positioning and other 'fancy' stuff so normal flow is out of the question.
I was thinking of looping through document.styleSheets
and checking for the id or class of the root element in the selectorText
of each cssRule
then parsing the cssText
or looking for a non-empty key of 'height' inside the style
Is there a better (or standard) way of doing this?
PS - I might have just solved it while formulating the question, so if you run into the same issue - here ya go!
Here's a pretty crude implementation:
isHeightSet: function () {
var id = this.elements.root.id,
_isHeightSet = false; // the crude part ;-)
// go through stylesheets
_.each(document.styleSheets, function(styleSheet) {
// go through rules
_.each(styleSheet.cssRules, function(cssRule) {
// if selectorText contains our id
if (cssRule.selectorText && cssRule.selectorText.indexOf(id) !== -1) {
// check if the height is set
if (cssRule.style.height &&
(cssRule.style.height !== 'auto' &&
cssRule.style.height !== 'inherit')) {
// keep on hacking!
_isHeightSet = true;
return _isHeightSet;
Can probably be more robust but seems to work fine.