I have two problems writing my code. The first problem I have is getting my getchar() to work if the user enters no text and just hits enter. I need to print an error if they do so and prompt the user to reenter the text in a loop until they do enter text. Is there any way to do so because everything I have tried has failed. Here is the code I have for that section:
printf("Enter a text message: ");
while((c=getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF)
text[i]= c;
I am new to C so I am limited on ideas to fix my dilemma. As you can see I am setting the input equal to an array. This leads to my second problem, I need to limit the input to no more than 100 characters. But, instead of giving the user an error I need to just chop off the extra characters and just read the first 100.
The simplest solution to your problem is to use fgets
. We can give limit to the input so that it doesn't read the extra characters after the given limit.
Refer this sample code. Here I am printing the string if the user is not pressing Enter
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char str[100];
fgets(str, 100, stdin);
if(str[0] != '\n')
return 0;