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Google App Engine Repository through Eclipse

I have a Google App Engine project, which I can commit and push to the GAE repository (not a github repository) using gcloud command line.

Since I am using eclipse, I attempted to use EGIT setting up my GAE repository URL as a remote. When I use egit to commit and push, I am prompted for a username and password- my google username and password do not work.

I am having trouble finding help for this particular situation- it seems I either need to use the command line to commit and push, or sign up for a github account...

Config details:

default/.git$ cat config
    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    helper =
[remote "origin"]
    url ={APP ID}/r/default
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

If EGIT will not work properly with Gcloud authentication, is there a plugin that WILL? I figured that since google provides plugins for gcloud development in eclipse, that they might support their own repository system...



  • JGit (the Git implementation that EGit uses) doesn't support this part of your Git configuration as of now:

        helper =

    It looks like you have to generate a separate password, see the answer to this question. In Eclipse, you then should be able to store the username and password in the secure storage.