Our design agency has supplied HTML that uses NiceForms. The problem I am having is that this mucks up jQuery event binding.
I have the following code:
keys = $("#key input");
$(this).change(function() {
If I disable NiceForms this code works but with Niceforms enabled it doesn't. How do I get around this problem?
Ok it turned out that the problem was that the Niceforms image when clicked does not raise the onchange event of the underlying checkbox.
To raise the underlying event find the inputCheck function in NiceForms.js and alter the following (this assumes you are using jQuery):
el.dummy.onclick = function() {
if(!this.ref.checked) {
this.ref.checked = true;
$(this.ref).change(); //added
this.className = "NFCheck NFh";
else {
this.ref.checked = false;
$(this.ref).change(); //added
this.className = "NFCheck";