I've been using ReSharper to do some work on cleaning up a C# codebase. I had been using both private fields in model classes along with public properties. However, I'm finding that I can simply take the properties that have no backing fields and convert them into auto-properties. These are model classes; no methods exist within them to impact the data in the objects. Is it better to just use the auto-properties?
EDIT: Including example of "Backing fields"
public class Gizmo
//this is what I call the "backing" field, only because it's "behind" the
//publicly-accessible property and you access it through the property
private Int32 _count;
//and this is the property, of course
public Int32 Count
get { return _count; }
set { _count = value; }
Is it better to just use the auto-properties
If your property involve is simple get;set
, you can just use a "auto-property". If I am not wrong, compiler will create a private backing field behind the scenes.
If in your property, you are doing some kind of validation before; say before set
then it makes sense to use a property with a backing field (non-auto)
An example would be
private string name;
public string MyName {
get {
return name;
set {
name = (value == null)
? "Anonymous" : value;