I want to use analytics tracking on every transition like mentioned in Mixpanel with EmberJS
In order to do so, I need to be able to reopen the Router
Is there any way with ember-simple-auth
to get the current session there? My understanding was that it's available to all the routes and controllers, but saw no mention of the Router specifically.
An alternative approach I'm exploring right now is to include a mixin on all the routes where I want to do analytics identification. I have a mixin like the following:
`import Ember from 'ember'`
AnalyticsMixin = Ember.Mixin.create
beforeModel: (transition) ->
userId = @get('session.user_id')
if (!Ember.isEmpty(userId))
user = @store.find('user', userId)
username = user.get('username') # this doesn't work
I can get the user_id
from the session object, although the Session.reopen
that I did doesn't seem to include the user
on its own. Nor does @store.find('user', userId)
The following works fine in a template:
Authentication =
name: "authentication"
before: "simple-auth"
initialize: (container) ->
user: (->
userId = @get('user_id')
if (!Ember.isEmpty(userId))
return container.lookup('store:main').find('user', userId)
container.register("authenticator:custom", CustomAuthenticator)
You can always get the session from Ember's container with