I have a Trie data structure, it searches 100 000 elements in a blink of an eye. However it only searches words which start with the searched string, for example "Fi" will find "Final" but won't find "GooFi" and I want it to return "GooFi" too. That is why I am here asking you guys if this is the correct structure in this case. I implemented it myself, wrote unit tests so it's working so far. What I need is a hint how my goal can be achieved, I don't want anyone to write the code for me, that is not why I am here. Anyways here's my search implementation:
public List<string> Seach(string word)
List<string> results = new List<string>();
this.DoSearch(this.Root, 0, new StringBuilder(word), results);
return results;
private void DoSearch(TrieNode currentNode, int currentPositionInWord, StringBuilder word, List<string> results)
if (currentPositionInWord >= word.Length)
this.DfsForAllWords(currentNode, word, results);
char currentChar = word[currentPositionInWord];
bool containsKey = currentNode.Children.ContainsKey(currentChar);
if (containsKey)
if (currentPositionInWord == word.Length - 1)
TrieNode child = currentNode.Children[currentChar];
this.DoSearch(child, ++currentPositionInWord, word, results);
private void DfsForAllWords(TrieNode currentNode, StringBuilder word, List<string> results)
foreach (var node in currentNode.Children.ToArray())
if (node.Value.IsWord)
this.DfsForAllWords(node.Value, word, results);
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is the repo of the Trie if anyone ever needs it. Supports prefix and substring search.