I currently have a lightbox popup attached to a submit button that shows only the first time the submit button is clicked. Basically before someone submits a form, we want them to see this popup when they hit the submit button. And that all works fine, but now I need to make it to where on that first click, the form doesn't submit/process. However, after that first click, the submit button would need to be enabled to where they can submit the form.
Any idea how to change the below code to where the submit button does not process the form only the first time the submit button is clicked?
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#Submitbutton').one("click",function(e) {
centered: true,
overlayCSS:{background: '#481d33', opacity: .45},
var hasClicked = false;
$('#Submitbutton').on('click',function(e) {
if (hasClicked === true) {
//submit form here
} else {
hasClicked = true;
centered: true,
overlayCSS:{background: '#481d33', opacity: .45},
Sets a variable on first submit, then on second submit does something different because of that variable.
Edit: Consistent quotes and code cleanup.