I have to build site that only registered users can access. As a inexperienced RoR developer I tried to set up authentication system described in Railscasts episode #250 and planed to use Cancan as authorization system. While using Cancan check_authorization I had a problem with current_user variable, that is defined in private helper method in application_controller.rb:
def current_user
@current_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]
And it looks like it is invisible to cancan check_authorization method in every other controller since it is placed outside any actions (thank you debugger gem).
Now any user (does not matter if he is logged in) can access login and registration pages (OK), but everyone cannot access any other action in controllers I have defined check_authorization (and this method must present in all of them)(not OK)
Question is: what would be the best way to fix this problem using rails conventions?
Alternative would be to use cancan authorize! method for every action, but it looks incorrect. Also, when I worked with devise gem, there was no problems like this, but for me it looks like using this authentication system is overly heavy for light projects like mine.
According to your question i think you want to authorise certain actions in your controller with the current_user method you have defined in application controller(correct me if i'm wrong). what you can do is use a before filter
and define a private method in your controller to check if current user exists and if it doesn't then simply redirect to root page
class UserController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate, except: [:index, :show] #list your actions in except array where you don't want to check for current user
def authenticate
redirect_to your_path, notice: "You must login first" if !current_user # if current user doesn't exist it will redirect to your path with notice