I am using the Wunderground api to get hourly weather forecast for an android app. I want to receive information like Temp and day.
An example of the Json is:
"hourly_forecast": [
"hour": "11","hour_padded": "11","min": "00","min_unpadded": "0","sec": "0","year": "2014","mon": "7","mon_padded": "07","mon_abbrev": "Jul","mday": "8","mday_padded": "08","yday": "188","isdst": "1","epoch": "1404842400","pretty": "11:00 AM PDT on July 08, 2014","civil": "11:00 AM","month_name": "July","month_name_abbrev": "Jul","weekday_name": "Tuesday","weekday_name_night": "Tuesday Night","weekday_name_abbrev": "Tue","weekday_name_unlang": "Tuesday","weekday_name_night_unlang": "Tuesday Night","ampm": "AM","tz": "","age": "","UTCDATE": ""
"temp": {"english": "61", "metric": "16"},
"dewpoint": {"english": "56", "metric": "13"},
"condition": "Partly Cloudy",
"icon": "partlycloudy",
"fctcode": "2",
"sky": "58",
"wspd": {"english": "7", "metric": "11"},
"wdir": {"dir": "SW", "degrees": "232"},
"wx": "Partly Cloudy",
"uvi": "9",
"humidity": "83",
"windchill": {"english": "-9999", "metric": "-9999"},
"heatindex": {"english": "-9999", "metric": "-9999"},
"feelslike": {"english": "61", "metric": "16"},
"qpf": {"english": "0", "metric": "0"},
"snow": {"english": "0", "metric": "0"},
"pop": "2",
"mslp": {"english": "29.92", "metric": "1013"}
It seems to be in an array but when i tried the following it came up with a error of not being a json object.
String row = rootArray.getAsJsonObject().get("sky").getAsString();
** Edit ** I was able to get it to work with the code
String skyText = rootobj.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("hourly_forecast").get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("sky").getAsString();
with rootobj being my json object
The JSON you posted is not an array. Instead, it is an object with a key named "hourly_forecast" and that key points to a value that is an array.
Key Value
hourly_forecast JSONArray
So if your JSON was in an string called wundergroundData
, you'd access the "sky" value like this:
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(wundergroundData);
String skyText = json.getJSONArray("hourly_forecast").get(0).getString("sky");
or, to more closely follow the example you posted, I imagine something like this would work as well:
String row = rootArray.getAsJsonObject().getJSONArray("hourly_forecast").get(0).getString("sky");
Although, you'd probably want to rename the rootArray
variable because the root is actually a JSONObject. Not an array.
If this doesn't work, post your FULL JSON and I can tell you exactly what you need to do to work with it. Right now, you're missing either a curly brace or a square brace at the start, as well as the ending of the JSON. I'm assuming here that your JSON starts with a curly brace. If it starts with a square brace then you will need something like the following code instead:
String row = rootArray.get(0).getJSONArray("hourly_forecast").get(0).getString("sky");