The new Event Dispatcher in Cocos2d-x 3.x has several test examples that show lambdas being used for the callbacks in the same class. I have a base class that needs to register for an event, then have an overidden subclass method respond to that event. How would I accomplish this?
In my base class:
EventListenerCustom* listener = EventListenerCustom::create("my_event", myVirtualEventMethod);
Updated based on Kazuki's answer:
class BaseScene : public cocos2d::Layer
virtual void myVirtualEventMethod();
My method:
EventListenerCustom* listener = EventListenerCustom::create("my_event", CC_CALLBACK_1(BaseScene::myVirtualEventMethod, this));
See the error in comments below.
EventListenerCustom::create() accepts std::function.
static EventListenerCustom* create(const std::string& eventName, const std::function<void(EventCustom*)>& callback)
So you can specify a member function with std::bind like this.
EventListenerCustom* listener = EventListenerCustom::create("my_event",
std::bind(&YourSubclass::myVirtualEventMethod, this, std::placeholders::_1));
And there is a macro for it in cocos2d-x.
EventListenerCustom* listener = EventListenerCustom::create("my_event",
CC_CALLBACK_1(YourSubclass::myVirtualEventMethod, this));
No viable conversion from '__bind<void (BaseScene::*)(), BaseScene ,
std::__1::placeholders::__ph<1>&>' to 'const std::function<void(Eventcustom)>'
Because the type of myVirtualEventMethod is not the same as void(EventCustom*). Thus it should be
virtual void myVirtualEventMethod(EventCustom*);
EventListenerCustom* listener = EventListenerCustom::create("my_event",
CC_CALLBACK_0(YourSubclass::myVirtualEventMethod, this));