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Thrust Sort by key on the fly or different approach?

I was wondering if it is possible to sort by keys using Thrust Library without the need of creating a Vector to store the keys (on the fly). For example I have the following two vectors: Keys and Values:

vectorKeys:    0,  1,  2,  0,  1,  2,  0,  1,  2 

VectorValues: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90

After sort by keys:

thrust::sort_by_key(vKeys.begin(), vKeys.end(), vValues.begin());

The Resulting vectors are:

vectorKeys:    0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2,  2 

VectorValues: 10, 40, 70, 20, 50, 80, 30, 60, 90

What I would like to know if it is possible to sort_by_key without the need of the vKeys vector (on the fly), so I can save memory of storing it and be able to sort more data?

At the end, I want to sum by the same keys and storing in a vector... is there a better approach instead of sort by key and later reduce by key to get the same result?

FinalVector = 120, 150, 180  


  • The original thrust example you linked performed a row-sum on an underlying data set that had row-major storage. Your question is essentially how to do the same thing when the underlying storage is column-major.

    We can use essentially the same method, but we must use permutation iterators to convert the underlying column-major storage to row-major storage "on the fly".

    For this, we can borrow the functor I described here.

    Here is a fully worked example:

    $ cat
    #include <thrust/host_vector.h>
    #include <thrust/device_vector.h>
    #include <thrust/reduce.h>
    #include <thrust/functional.h>
    #include <thrust/sequence.h>
    #include <thrust/iterator/transform_iterator.h>
    #include <thrust/iterator/permutation_iterator.h>
    #include <thrust/iterator/counting_iterator.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #define COLS 3
    #define ROWS 3
    #define DSIZE (COLS*ROWS)
    #define INIT 10
    #define STEP 10
    // convert a linear index to a row index
    template <typename T>
    struct linear_index_to_row_index : public thrust::unary_function<T,T>
      T C; // number of columns
      __host__ __device__
      linear_index_to_row_index(T C) : C(C) {}
      __host__ __device__
      T operator()(T i)
        return i % C;
    struct rm2cm_idx_functor : public thrust::unary_function<int, int>
      int r;
      int c;
      rm2cm_idx_functor(int _r, int _c) : r(_r), c(_c) {};
      __host__ __device__
      int operator() (int idx)  {
        unsigned my_r = idx/c;
        unsigned my_c = idx%c;
        return (my_c * r) + my_r;
    int main(void)
      int C = COLS;     // number of columns
      int R = ROWS;     // number of rows
      thrust::host_vector<int> h_vals(DSIZE);
      // initialize data
      thrust::sequence(h_vals.begin(), h_vals.end(), INIT, STEP);
      thrust::device_vector<int> vals = h_vals;
      std::cout << " Initial data: " << std::endl;
      thrust::copy(h_vals.begin(), h_vals.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ","));
      std::cout << std::endl;
      // allocate storage for row sums and indices
      thrust::device_vector<int> row_sums(R);
      thrust::device_vector<int> row_indices(R);
      // compute row sums by summing values with equal row indices
        (thrust::make_permutation_iterator(thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), linear_index_to_row_index<int>(R)), thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), rm2cm_idx_functor(R, C))),
         thrust::make_permutation_iterator(thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), linear_index_to_row_index<int>(R)) + (R*C), thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), rm2cm_idx_functor(R, C)) + (R*C)),
         thrust::make_permutation_iterator(vals.begin(), thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), rm2cm_idx_functor(R, C))),
      // print data
      thrust::host_vector<int> h_row_sums = row_sums;
      std::cout << " Results: " << std::endl;
      thrust::copy(h_row_sums.begin(), h_row_sums.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ","));
      std::cout << std::endl;
      return 0;
    $ nvcc -arch=sm_20 -o t466
    $ ./t466
     Initial data:

    Note that I have also changed the linear_index_to_row_index functor to give me a row index suitably organized for underlying column-major storage (the previous functor returned the index when the underlying storage was assumed to be row-major). This only involved changing the division operation to a modulo operation and pass R instead of C to initialize the functor, so note the subtle difference.