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Performance gains vs Normalizing your tables?

Ok ok I know you probably all going to kill me for asking this, however I got into an friendly programmer argument with a co-worker about one of our database tables and he asked a question which I know the answer to but I couldn't explain it is the better way.

I will simplify the situation for the simplicity of the question, We have a fairly large table of people / users. Now amongst other data being stored the data in question is as follows: we have a simNumber, cellNumber and the ipAddress of that sim.

Now I am saying that we should make a table lets call it SimTable and put those 3 entries in the sim table, and then put a FK in the UsersTable linking the two. Why? Because that's what I have always been taught NORMALISE your tables!!! Ok so all is good in that regard.

But now my friend says to me yes, but now when you want to query a users phone number, SQL now has to go and:

  1. search for the user
  2. search for the sim fk
  3. search for the correct sim row in the sim database
  4. get the phone number

Now when I go and request 10000 users phone numbers, the number of operations done seriously grows in size.

Vs the other approach

  1. search for the user
  2. find the phone number

Now the argument is purely performance based. As much as I understand why we do normalize the data (to remove redundant data, maintainability, make changes to data in one table which propagate up etc.. ) It does appear to me that the approach with the data in one table will be faster or will at least less tasks/ operations to give me the data I want?

So what is the case in this situation? I do hope that I have not asked anything insanely silly , it is early in the morning so do forgive me if im not thinking clearly

The technology involved in MS SQL server 2012

[EDIT] This article below also touches on some pf the concepts I have mentioned above


  • The goal of normalization is not performance. The goal is to model your data correctly with minimum redundancy so you avoid data anomalies.

    Say for example two users share the same phone. If you store the phones in the user table, you'd have sim number, IP address, and cell number stored one each user's row.

    Then you change the IP address on one row but not the other. How can one sim number have two IP addresses? Is that even valid? Which one is correct? How would you fix such discrepancies? How would you even detect them?

    There are times when denormalization is worthwhile, if you really need to optimize data access for one query that you run very frequently. But denormalization comes at a cost, so be prepared to commit yourself to a lot more manual work to take responsibility for data integrity. More code, more testing, more cleanup tasks. Do those count when considering "performance" of the project overall?

    Re comments:

    I agree with @JoelBrown, as soon as you implement your first case of denormalization, you compromise on data integrity.

    I'll expand on what Joel mentions as "well-considered." Denormalization benefits specific queries. So you need to know which queries you have in your app, and which ones you need to optimize for. Do this conservatively, because while denormalization can help a specific query, it harms performance for all other uses of the same data. So you need to know whether you need to query the data in different ways.

    Example: suppose you are designing a database for StackOverflow, and you want to support tags for questions. Each question can have a number of tags, and each tag can apply to many questions. The normalized way to design this is to create a third table, pairing questions with tags. That's the physical data model for a many-to-many relationship:

    Questions ----<- QuestionsTagged ->---- Tags

    But you figure you don't want to do the join to get tags for a given question, so you put tags into a comma-separated string in the questions table. This makes it quicker to query a given question and its associated tags.

    But what if you also want to query for one specific tag and find its related questions? If you use the normalized design, it's simply a query against the many-to-many table, but on the tag column.

    But if you denormalize by storing tags as a comma-separated list in the Questions table, you'd have to search for tags as substrings within that comma-separated list. Searching for substrings can't be indexed with a standard B-tree style index, and therefore searching for related questions becomes a costly table-scan. It's also more complex and inefficient to insert and delete a tag, or to apply constraints like uniqueness or foreign keys.

    That's what I mean by denormalization making an improvement for one type of query at the expense of other uses of the data. That's why it's a good idea to start out with everything in normal form, and then refactor to denormalized designs later on a case by case basis as your bottlenecks reveal themselves.

    This goes back to old wisdom:

    "Premature optimization is the root of all evil" -- Donald Knuth

    In other words, don't denormalize until you can demonstrate during load testing that (a) it makes a real improvement to performance that justifies the loss of data integrity, and (b) it does not degrade performance of other cases unacceptably.