I'm using angular-file-upload available here: https://github.com/danialfarid/angular-file-upload. As you can see in the example furnished on the same page, file data is posted to backend from a controller using the directives made available.
When I implemented the code however I moved the file posting to a service as that would allow me to re-use the functionality & feels the correct way(disagree?). Everything works fine except that I'm unable to figure out how to send the data from the .progress(function(evt)){}
... function that tracks file upload completion status to the controller and respectively echo it on the html page.
Using the .then
I can get the final success response I guess but how about this progress data?
Am I missing something very simple here? How to get this done?
After a longtime, here is how this would work.
Using the notify callback for the promise solves the problem. As I had stated earlier, I had moved the file upload code (based on this rep enter link description here) into the angular services and I was not able to get file upload progress. Since I was returning the promise from services, so I could only get the file completion.
the above git rep also has a
.progress(function(evt){ file_upload_percent=(parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded / evt.total)})
function that gives the file completion percentage. Using the promise notify here, we can return this intermediate value like this :
.progress(function(evt) { file_upload_percent=(parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded / evt.total)); deferred.notify(file_upload_percent);})
later using notify callback from the promise return, we can access the file completion percentage.
use $scope.file_upload_percent as you would wish to.