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Remove data-toggle attribute when disabled

I have a list of tabs with elements that can be disabled - i.e. non-clickable. And when 'disabled' is added as a class, then the mouse over on the element is indicating that the tab is non-clickable. Unfortunately the element is clickable. I am trying to remove the datatoggle="tab" from the element when the element is disabled, but my jQuery skills aren't sufficient.

I have a ul of class="nav nav-tabs" with id="myTabs" And I'm trying to remove the data-toggle attribute with this jQuery statement:

$('#myTabs a').is('.disabled').removeAttr('data-toggle');

Bootply example


  • You can try this:-

    $('#tabs li.disabled').find('a').removeAttr('data-toggle');


    $('#tabs li.disabled a').removeAttr('data-toggle');
