I am trying to use Knob.js (http://anthonyterrien.com/knob/) as a progress bar. I have found code for soundmanager2
$(".progBar").css('width', ((this.position/this.duration) * 100) + '%');
That works for a normal div width progress bar, but obviously with Knob, we must alter the value of the input.
I have seen those following code for updating the input value, but am unable to get it to properly work.
$(function() {
'draw' : function () {
$(this.i).val(this.cv + '%')
Some context of where my code is coming from... it is a music site where there are multiple songs, each with its own Knob circle. Each knob input has a unique ID of knob-###, or the variable 'knob_ID'
Here my entire code:
play: function(){
var track_id = this.get('id');
var knobID = $("#knob-" + track_id);
var mySound = soundManager.createSound({
id: track_id,
url: 'mp3/path.mp3',
autoplay: false,
whileplaying: function() {
var percentage = $((this.position/this.duration) * 100);
$('#positionBar').css('width', ((this.position/this.duration) * 100) + '%');
'draw' : function () {
$(this.i).val(percentage + '%')
Here is a rough demo of updating the knob plugin as sound manager plays a file. You may need to do some more customization to make it a fully reusable and configurable component.
SoundKnob2 view
App.SoundKnob2 = Em.View.extend({
knobInput: null,
sound: null,
playState: false,
playStateLabel: function() {
return this.get('playState')? 'PAUSE' : 'PLAY';
initSound: function() {
preferFlash: true,
url: '//cdn.jsdelivr.net/soundmanager2/2.97a.20131201/cors/',
onready: function() {
var mySound = soundManager.createSound({
autoLoad: true,
autoPlay: false,
id: 'aSound',
url: 'http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/demo/_mp3/rain.mp3'
this.set('sound', mySound);
ontimeout: function() {
didInsertElement: function() {
var knobInput = this.$().find('input');
knobInput.knob({displayInput: false});
this.set('knobInput', knobInput);
actions: {
toggle: function() {
var knob = this.get('knobInput');
if(this.get('playState')) {
onfinish: function() {
whileplaying: function() {
var pos = (this.position/ this.duration) * 100;
} else {
It can be used in a template like
{{#view App.SoundKnob2 class="sound-knob2"}}
<input />
<button {{action 'toggle' target="view"}}>{{view.playStateLabel}}</button>