Search code examples

jquery Chained Autocomplete

I have searched for a jquery chained autocomplete, but i did not get any clear answer.
so far this is my current jquery autocomplete code that i get from web searching,
this script i use also to dynamically add row with the form fields.

var startingSlide = $('#some_element').data('startingslide');

function Adicionar(){
    $("#mytable tbody").append(
        "<td><input class='country' type='text' name='country[]'></td>"+
        "<td><input class='city' type='text' name='city[]'></td>"+

    $(".btnSalvar").bind("click", Salvar);      
    $(".btnExcluir").bind("click", Excluir);

    $(".countries").autocomplete("<?php echo site_url('country/get_country');?>",{ mustMatch:false })
        .result(function (evt, data, formatted) {


function Excluir(){
    var par = $(this).parent().parent(); //tr

$(".btnEditar").bind("click", Editar);
$(".btnExcluir").bind("click", Excluir);
$("#btnAdicionar").bind("click", Adicionar);            


Its working ok, but now i want to add CHAINED Functionality, when a certain COUNTRY is selected, the autocomplete for CITY will based on the value of the COUNTRY.

Please HELP Me guys.


  • If you are using jquery-ui autocomplete, then you can refer this

    JSFIDDLE DEMO for dynamically updating the autocomplete values of other based on the values selected on the first autocompelete

    JS code:

    $(document).ready(function () {
         var availableTags = [
    $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
        source: availableTags,
        select: function( event, ui ) {
            $( "#version" ).val('');
            var selected_val = ui.item.value;        
            if(selected_val == "Java")
                $( "#version" ).autocomplete({
                    source: ['Java 3.1' ,'Java 3.2']
            else if(selected_val == "PHP")
                $( "#version" ).autocomplete({
                    source: ['PHP 5.3.1' ,'PHP 5.3.4']
            else if(selected_val == "JavaScript")
                $( "#version" ).autocomplete({
                    source: ['JavaScript 1.0' ,'JavaScript 2.5']

    HTML code:

    <h4>Jquery-ui autocomplete. The "version" values will be updated based on the selection of the selection of "programming language"</h4>
    <div class="ui-widget">
    <label for="tags">Select programming language: </label>
        <input id="tags"><small>Type like "j"</small>
    <label for="tags">Select version: </label>
    <input id="version">    