while i was taking a course in hardware/software interface, our teacher said the cpu get the data using the word machine, for example, the CPU can get the value at address 0x00 but cannot get the value at address 0x01 but the value at address 0x00 + (word-size:normally it 4 byte), so i want to understand how we can use short int in c that contain only 2 byte?
A 32 bit processor uses 4 bytes for integer, So first let me explain about memory banking
memory banking= If the processor had used the single byte addressing scheme,it would take 4 memory cycles to perform a read/write operation. So from processors point of view memory is banked as shown.
So if a integer is stored as in the address range 0x0000-0x0003 ie;4 byes ,it just requires a single memory read/write cycle so the processor is relieved from the extra memory cycles and hence improved performance.
Also it is also possible that a variable allocation can start from a number which is not a multiple of four hence it might require 2 or more memory cycles(float,double etc..) in accordance with how they are stored. The CPU fetches the data in minimum number of read cycles.
In short data type only two bytes of the memory are allocated and if it starts from 0x0001 then it ends in 0x0002 still 1 read cycle is required for it. But the advantage is that in integer it allocates 4 bytes where as the short allocates two byes so the two bytes is saved from the integer data type. So storage is improved