Search code examples

dotcms community edition capability

I am working on developing a weksite using a Java based CMS and had a close look at dotCMS community edition. The website will initially hold some 500-600 pages, with good seo integration, performance, search capability. The pages will have images but no videos. I want to run the site with dotcms community edition for a year or so and then upgrade to a licensed edition. Can anybody please suggest if dotcms community edition can help build & run the site covering my above requirements. Any pointers in this regard is appreciated.


  • Unfortunately the community edition does not support integrated search (the licensed edition uses elastic search), so you'll have to add third party search. All the other requirements are not a problem. I've build many many sites with dotCMS and I have never had a problem with those aspects of the CMS.

    To figure out what is in and what is out, check out this list: