I'm using data pump export/import method in Oracle 11GR2
So, I have table A containing (ID, Name, Address, City, Phone) and I want to export it into table B (ID, Name, Address).
How can I import data from table A to table B that have different number of columns in table B???
It always gives me error ORA-39112 :(
Please help me guys..#newbie here
Here's my code:
expdp USERID="admin"@orcl DIRECTORY=dmpdir TABLES="A"."table_a"
FILE=tb_a.dmp GRANTS=Y ROWS=Y LOG=exportTables.log
impdp USERID="admin"@target FULL=Y CONSTRAINTS=Y FILE=tb_a.dmp
Mainly this is about ETL. If I were you I would import it into the same table ("table_a") as well and then move the data from this table to the desired one ("table_b") with a PL/SQL procedure.