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Getting Started with User Scripts and Finding a JavaScript API Similar to JavaDocs, Along with Getting the HTML Attributes of a Variable

Currently I have this:

enter (function move() {
// ==UserScript==
// @name          DriversEd Time Saver!
// @namespace
// @description   Automatically goes to the next slide once the timer is done.
// @copyright     2014+, Marque Kuem
// @license       GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @license       (CC);
// @version       0.1
// @icon

// @homepageURL
// @supportURL

// @include*

// ==/UserScript==
     var timer=document.getElementById("timerValue");
     if(timer instanceof timer hide) {
         alert('Next is clickable');
     setTimeout(move, 500);

I am trying to poll every half second if the variable on the page of the id timerValue has the attributes timer and hide. This is the line in HTML when I should get an alert:

<div id="timerValue" class="timer hide">00:01</div>

And this is the line in which I should not:

<div id="timerValue" class="timer">99:99</div>

How would I go about checking if timer the HTML attributes timer and hide" Also, is there documentation on Javascript like the Java API?


  • Use querySelector to find the element if it matches all the criteria you want. If it doesn't have the classes, the selector won't match anything.

    setInterval(function() {
        var timer = document.querySelector("#timerValue.timer.hide");
        if (timer) {
            alert('Next is clickable');
    }, 500);