May be, it is not so problematic for you. but i'm trying first time with json serialization. and also read other articles in stackowerflow.
I have created Entity Framework data model. then by method get all data from object:
private uqsEntities _db = new uqsEntities();
//get all data from table sysMainTableColumns where tableName=paramtableName
public List<sysMainTableColumns> getDataAboutMainTable(string tableName)
return (from column in _db.sysMainTableColumns
where column.TableName==tableName
select column).ToList();
my webservice:
public string getDataAboutMainTable()
penta.DAC.Tables dictTable = new penta.DAC.Tables();
var result = dictTable.getDataAboutMainTable("1");
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result);
and jQuery ajax method
$('#loadData').click(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "WS/ConstructorWS.asmx/getDataAboutMainTable",
data: "{}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function(msg) {
var data = eval("(" + msg + ")");
//do something with data
error: function(msg) {
Fails (from fairbug):
missing ] after element list [Break on this error] var data = eval("(" + msg + ")");
ajax Response (by Firebug if I remove var data = eval("(" + msg + ")")
{"d":"[{\"ID\":1,\"TableName\":\"1\",\"Name\":\"d\",\"FullName\":\"f\",\"Type\":\"nvarchar(50)\",\"MeasurementUnit\":\"t \",\"EntityState\":2,\"EntityKey\":{\"EntitySetName\":\"sysMainTableColumns\",\"EntityContainerName\":\"uqsEntities\",\"EntityKeyValues\":[{\"Key\":\"ID\",\"Value\":1}],\"IsTemporary\":false}},{\"ID\":2,\"TableName\":\"1\",\"Name\":\"e\",\"FullName\":\"e\",\"Type\":\"int\",\"MeasurementUnit\":\"r \",\"EntityState\":2,\"EntityKey\":{\"EntitySetName\":\"sysMainTableColumns\",\"EntityContainerName\":\"uqsEntities\",\"EntityKeyValues\":[{\"Key\":\"ID\",\"Value\":2}],\"IsTemporary\":false}}]"}
problem with data, code fails there. and i think i'm not use JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize() method very well.
Please, tell me, what a big mistake I made in C# code?
. jQuery does that for you when you specify dataType: "json"
will die if one happens to contain a circular reference.d
! That's inserted by WCF services to work around a security hole in some browsers when the root object is an array.