Basically, I share a single .emacs.d across several machines and have one package that I only want on my home machine (org-journal). I like using the package manager to keep this up to date, but it loads the package on every machine which causes some interference to a normal work flow.
Is there a way to get the package manager to skip loading this one package but load all others?
ETA: I tried only loading it on my desktop via
(when (string-equal (system-name) "will-desktop")
(require 'org-journal))
but that didn't work because using (package-initialize)
early on in my init.el automatically loads it.
See the package-load-list
The default value is (all)
, and the docstring says that all
affects only packages not specified by other elements, so by my reading, you could simply add the following to inhibit org-journal
(setq package-load-list '((org-journal nil) all))
If you're forcibly initialising the package manager in your init file, make sure you make this change beforehand.
Edit: Tested and updated/fixed. add-to-list
was wrong, as the variable isn't already defined at that point.