I am new to C and recently i have been working on a program whereby i am reading a stream of 512 bytes from a file using fread into a array and then after checking for certain conditions in that stream of bytes i am writing the stream of bytes into a new file using fwrite.
The code snippet for the same is
unsigned char buffer[512];
FILE *fp = fopen("file.name","r");
if(fp == NULL)
perror("Error opening the file\n ");
return -1;
while(fread(&buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1 , fp) == 1) //my program works fine for both &buffer and only buffer
//Do something
The definition of fread is:
size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream)
Here ptr is the pointer to a block of memory where the read bytes will be stored.
I have defined buffer to be a character array and hence only passing buffer
as the first parameter should have been enough as it is a pointer but the program works fine even when &buffer
is being provided. The same is happening with fwrite as well. Now if buffer
is the pointer then &buffer
is the address of the pointer and should not have the same result as that of a pointer but it actually does, so why does the function work properly with both the different parameters?
In C, any data-pointer type is implicitly convertible to void*
designates the array. It is not a pointer. Arrays are in nearly all contexts converted to a pointer to their first elements though.&buffer
this is one of the exceptions, so here we have a pointer to said array instead.Anyway, you probably want to do this instead:
size_t count;
while((count = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp)) > 0)
block is done.