In short, I am trying to download a bunch of .png files from zamzar after converting them. There are over 200 files. To download them, you click on a link, it takes you to a page that triggers an automatic download. However, I'm trying to automate this process. Below is a small script I used:
var fs = require('fs'),
request = require('request'),
linkPrefix = "";
var download = function(uri, filename, callback){
request.head(uri, function(err, res, body){
console.log('content-type:', res.headers['content-type']);
request(uri).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(filename)).on('close', callback);
var links = ["1.png", "2.png", ..., "200.png"]; //bunch of images
download(linkPrefix + e, e, function(){
console.log('Done downloading image: ' +e);
My question is, how on earth do I discard the html responses and only capture the image ones? I tried playing around with the Chrome Dev Tools to analyze the response but I'm failing miserably.
I figured out a fix. Usually, when an automatic file download doesn't start, there's a link to click. I used that instead of the "linkPrefix" variable used in the code above.
linkPrefix = ""; //download instead of downloadFile
Works like a charm!